Theology: A Global Outline | 1 |

I. Creation | 2 |

A. Existence | 3 |

1. Real (in actu) v.s. potential (potentialis) v.s. imaginary. | 4 |

2. Metaphysics | 5 |

a. Categories | 6 |

b. Principles | 7 |

c. Methods | 8 |

d. Application | 9 |

3. Being | 10 |

4. Ontology | 11 |

5. Persons | 12 |

a. Definition | 13 |

b. Alternate terms | 14 |

1). Subject | 15 |
2). Object | 16 |
3). One | 17 |
4). Individual | 18 |

c. Classes | 19 |

1). Divine | 20 |
2). Human | 21 |
3). Angelic | 22 |
4). Other? | 23 |

B. Awareness of Existence: Natural World | 24 |

1. Philosophy:  Order and Values producing Wisdom | 25 |

2. The Human Being | 32 |

a. Personhood | 33 |

1). Identity, Physical and Spiritual | 34 |
2). Body | 35 |
3). Soul | 36 |
a). Qualities:  Spiritual, Individual, Created by God | 37 |
b). Faculties | 38 |

(1). Memory | 39 |

(2). Intellect | 40 |

(3). Will – free/bound | 41 |

c). Habits | 44 |
d). States | 45 |

(1). Alive/Dead | 46 |

(2). Grace/Sin | 47 |

b. Relations | 48 |

1). To self | 49 |
a). Psychology | 50 |
2). To World | 51 |
a). Epistemology | 52 |
b). Hermeneutics | 53 |
3). To Others | 54 |
a). Classes of Beings | 55 |

(1). Humans | 56 |

(2). Divine | 57 |

(3). Angels | 58 |

(4). Animals | 59 |

(5). Plants | 60 |

b). Communications | 61 |

(1). Linguistics | 62 |

(2). Semiotics | 63 |

(3). Divine Communication | 64 |

(4). Angelic Communication | 65 |

c). Sociology | 66 |
d). Culture | 67 |
e). History | 68 |

3. The Spiritual World | 69 |

a. Heaven and Hell | 70 |

b. Angels – Good and Bad | 71 |

c. Human Soul and Spirit | 72 |

II. God | 73 |

A. Theology | 74 |

1. Sources of Awareness | 75 |

a. Natural Revelation | 76 |

b. Supernatural Revelation | 77 |

1). Private | 78 |
2). Public | 79 |
3). Normative | 80 |
4). Scriptural | 81 |

2. Fundamental Theology | 82 |

a. Principles for Doing Theology | 83 |

b. God’s Presence and Purpose | 86 |

c. Sensus Fidelium. | 91 |

d. Revealed Wisdom | 96 |

1). Corollaries derived by Reason | 97 |

e. Natural Science, Law, World | 98 |

f. Philosophy | 102 |

3. Systematic (Dogmatic) and subdivisions

4. Fruits | 104 |

a. Knowledge | 105 |

b. Discernment | 106 |

c. Doctrine | 107 |

d. Dogma | 108 |

B. How and Who God Is | 109 |

1. Divine Attributes | 110 |

a. Absolutely Primary Being. | 111 |

1). Before all else | 112 |
2). Uncaused Cause | 113 |

b. Eternal.  Uncreated. Without beginning or end. | 114 |

c. Love. | 115 |

d. Spiritual | 116 |

e. Present Everywhere | 117 |

f. Knows All | 118 |

g. All-Powerful | 119 |

h. Just | 120 |

i. Merciful | 121 |

2. Trinity | 122 |

a. Three ‘Persons’ Distinguished by Real Relations | 123 |

b. Each Person Considered | 124 |

1). Father | 125 |
2). Son | 126 |
3). Holy Spirit | 127 |

c. Procession | 128 |

d. Begetting | 129 |

e. Mutual Indwelling | 130 |

f. Relations with creatures

C. Grace | 131 |

1. Character of Grace

2. Creation | 132 |

3. Covenants and Declarations | 133 |

a. Prior Covenants | 134 |

1). Adam and Eve | 135 |
2). Cain | 136 |
3). Noah | 137 |
4). Abraham | 138 |
5). Moses | 139 |

b. The New and Eternal Covenant | 140 |

1). Who Established it and How | 141 |
a). The Paschal Mystery | 142 |
2). What is Established | 143 |
3). How one Enters | 144 |

4. Revelation | 145 |

a. General Character

1). Purpose | 146 |

b. Form, Means | 148 |

1). Public | 149 |
a). Scripture | 150 |

(1). Biblical Studies | 151 |

b). Tradition | 152 |
c). Miracles | 153 |
2). Personal | 154 |
a). Visions | 155 |
b). Locutions | 156 |
c). Apparitions | 157 |

c. Content | 147

d. Transmission.-|5|-

5. Jesus Christ | 158 |

a. Graciousness   | 159 |

1). Mary | 160 |
2). Incarnation: The Divine Person becomes enfleshed | 163 |
a). Relation of Divine to human in Christ | 164 |
3). Gifts | 169 |
4). Sanctification | 170 |

b. The Son Reveals the Father | 171 |

c. The Holy Spirit’s Anointing: Pneumatology | 172 |

1). Mission | 173 |
2). Charisms: Gratia Gratis Data. | 174 |

6. Salvation | 175 |

a. Effects of Sin | 176 |

1). Original Sin | 177 |

b. God’s Plan to Overcome it | 178 |

1). Paschal Mystery | 179 |
2). Sacrifice | 180 |

c. Role of the Trinity | 183 |

1). Fulfillment in Christ | 184 |
a). Forgiveness of Sin
b). Friendship with God
c). Hope of resurrection
d). Eternal life
2). Humans justified and begotten of God the Father | 185 |
3). Humans made Temples of the Holy Spirit. | 186 |

d. Elements of Conversion | 181 |

1). Justification | 182 |
2). Life of Faith, Hope, Love
a). Faith
b). Hope
c). Love

e.  | 187 |

7. Morality | 188 |

a. The Moral Person


b. Conscience | 189 |

c. Natural Law

d. Divine Law

e. Acts & Sin| 190 |

1). Sin
2). The Individual | 191 |
3). Societyl | 192 |

f. Habits: VIrtues and Vices | 193 |

1). Theological Virtues | 194 |
a). Faith | 195 |
b). Hope | 196 |
c). Love | 197 |
2). Cardinal Virtues | 198 |
a). Prudence | 199 |
b). Justice | 200 |
c). Fortitude | 201 |
d). Temperance | 202 |
3). Other Virtues | 203 |
a). Chastity | 204 |

8. Church | 205 |

a. The One True Church | 206 |

1). Nature
2). Foundation | 207 |
a). Founder | 208 |
b). Founding | 209 |

(1). Calling | 210 |

(2). Conversion | 211 |

(3). Choice | 212 |

(4). Conviction | 213 |

(5). Commission | 214 |

3). Non-Members | 215 |
a). Non-Belief | 216 |
b). Non-Cooperation: Schism | 217 |
c). Non-Assent:  Heresy | 218 |
d). Contrary Belief: Other Religions | 219 |

b. Hierarchy | 220 |

a). People of God | 221 |
b). Body of Christ

(1). Priesthood of Christ

(2). Priesthood of Believers

(3). Ministerial Priesthood

(4). Liturgy | 241 |

c). Head is Christ | 222 |
d). Organic Structure. | 224 |

(1). Universal Church

(2). Magisterium is Middle Management | 223 |

(3). Canon Law | 230 |

(4). Particular Churches

(5). Separation

e). Place of Particular Individuals | 225 |

(1). Apostles | 226 |

(2). Prophets | 227 |

(3). Teachers | 228 |

(4). Theologians | 229 |

c. Current Movements

d. Sacraments | 231 |

1). General | 232 |
2). Specific | 233 |
a). Baptism | 234 |
b). Penance | 235 |
c). Eucharist | 236 |
d). Confirmation | 237 |
e). Matrimony | 238 |
f). Anointing | 239 |
g). Orders | 240 |

e. Pastoral | 242 |

III. Eschaton | 243 |

A. Fulfillment of Creation – All is Made New | 244 |

1. Parousia – the Second Coming of Christ with Power

2. New Heavens | 245 |

3. New Earth | 246 |

4. New Humanity | 247 |

a. Resurrection of the Dead | 248 |

B. Judgment | 249 |

1. Salvation Manifest | 250 |

2. Reward | 251 |

a. Good Deeds | 252 |

b. Evil Deeds | 253 |

C. Final State | 254 |

1. For the Damned:  Hell | 255 |

a. Eternal Death | 256 |

b. Unending Punishment | 257 |

c. Darkness, Despair, Hatred. | 258 |

2. For the Blessed: Heaven | 259 |

a. Eternal Life with God and the Good Angels and Saints | 260 |

b. Beatific Vision | 261 |

c. Eternal Bliss | 262 |