S. Bonaventure:

The Triple Way, or Love Enkindled.

I.          Meditation:

Leads to the wisdom of SS. Meditate only on these things; this is the end of every thought and deed:

1. Acts of humans, what they should do and why;

2. Acts of God: how much God has entrusted, forgiven, and promised; Creation / reparation / glorification

3. Principles of both: God and the soul, the union to be achieved between them.

A.  Purgation: Sting of Conscience - when clean, is joyful and glad

1.     Arouse: remember sin

a.    Negligence

1).   Guard heart / good use of time / right purpose
2).   Prayer / reading / good works
3).   Penance / resisting evil / making progress

b.    Concupiscence

1).   Uncontrolled desire for: sweetness / softness / carnality
2).   Curiosity: occult knowledge / pleases eye / costly treasure
3).   Vanity: favor / praise / honor

c.     Malice

1).   Anger: thought / sign / word
2).   Envy: grieve over success / rejoice at misfortune / indifferent at misery
3).   Acrimony: suspicion / blasphemy / detractions

2.     Sharpen: consider human condition

a.    Hour of death: unpredictable / inevitable / final

b.    Blood of the Cross: quicken / cleanse / soften;

1).      remove uncleanliness / change death to life / bestow fruitfulness

c.     Face of the Judge: infallible / inexorable / inescapable

3.     Direct: meditate on the good.

a.    Alacrity: against negligence

1).             spiritual vigor, promtness: watchful / trustful / careful godly action

b.    Austerity: against concupiscence

1).             spiritual rigor, love of: hardship / poverty / lowliness

c.     Benignity: against malice.

1).             spiritual taste: kindness / tolerance / internal joy

B.  Illumination: Beam of Intelligence

1.     Hold it aloft: guilt remitted. Thankfulness.

2.     Broaden its scope: favors received

a.    Perfection of nature: body / senses / soul

b.    Assistence of grace: baptism / repentence / priesthood

c.     Superabundance: universe / the Son / the Holy Spirit

3.     Turn it back: promised rewards: removal of evil / company of St.s / fulfillment of desires

C.  Union: Flame of Wisdom

1.     Concentrated: turned from love of creatures

2.     Fed: love in ref. to us, heaven, the Spouse; through love is given: what we lack / all good to the blessed / the presence of the Spouse

3.     Raised aloft - above perceptions, imagination, conceptions- He is all delight.

II.       Prayer

A.  Deplore our misery: guilt incurred / grace wasted / glory lost

1.     Sorrow for damage - recall of past: omit justice / commit forbidden / loss of grace

2.     Shame for disgrace - consider present: in the abyss / in mire / slave

3.     Fear for guilt - anticipate future: headed to netherworld / what it due / what it will receive

B.  Implore God's mercy - three conditions must be fulfilled:

1.     Desire - generated by the Holy Spirit

2.     Hope - given by Christ who died for us, and appears before the Father on our behalf

3.     Search for help - we expect from the Saints, angels and the just

C.  Worship God

1.     Reverence and adoration - heart must bow before God

a.    Father: formed / reformed / informed us

b.    Lord: rescued us from the enemy / redeemed us from hell / led us to His vineyard

c.     Judge before whom we are: accused by conscience / convicted by our life / exposed by light of divine wisdom

1).             bow: subjection - little/ genuflection: dejection - least / prostration: abjection - nothing

2.     Love and gratitude - heart must open up - consider God's bounty and your unworthiness

a.    Strongly: our unworthiness / more strongly: abundance of God's grace / most strongly: immensity of God's mercy

b.    Sins committed / sins remitted / what is promised

c.     Perfecting of nature / clothing of grace / superabundance

d.    Heart expanded / opened up / poured out

3.     Mutual delight and converse - heart rises aloft - contemplate God's charity and your lukewarmness

a.    Happy to find delight in God alone - gratuitous - the world is crucified to man

b.    Happy to please none but God - man is crucified to the world

c.     Happy for others to share this joy with us - man is crucified on behalf of the world

1).   Gratuitous love / love that is due / both combined

4.     Six Steps of the Love of God

a.    Sweetness

b.    Hunger & Thirst

c.     Fullness

d.    Inebriation

e.     Security

f.      Tranquillity

III.   Contemplation

A.  Purgation - Tranquility of Peace

1.     Shame: sins committed - gravity / no. / baseness / ingratitude

2.     Fear: judgement - dissipation of grace / blinding of reason / hardening of will / final condemnation

3.     Sorrow: damage - reject God's friendship / loss of innocence / wounding of nature / waste of past life

4.     Insistence: cry for help - Father / Christ redeemer / Virgin Mother / Church Triumphant

5.     Resoluteness: extinguish vice - aridity+sloth / perversity+malice / pleasure+concupiscence / vanity+ pride

6.     Ardor: desire for martyrdom - perfect: remission of sin / cleansing of blemishes / fulfillment of penalty /sanctification in grace

7.     Quiet: repose in the shade of Christ

B.  Illumination - Splendor of Truth

1.     Assent of reason: Who is suffering / submit / believe in Him

2.     Movement of Compassion: how good He is / unite yourself to Him / share His pains

3.     Gaze of admiration: how great He is - power / beauty / happiness / infinity

4.     Rapture of devotion: why He is suffering - for your redemption / illumination / sanctification / glorification

5.     Put on Christ: how He is suffering - be kind to neighbor / severe to yourself / humble before God / shrewd against the Devil

6.     Embrace the Cross: how much He is suffering - desire suffering: abasement / insult / derision / pain

7.     Behold the Light of Truth - scroll of 7 seals opened:

a.    Admirable God: Wisdom of the Cross

b.    Rational Spirit: benevolence of angels / worth of man / cruelty of demons

1).   Sensible world - place where reigns: blindess / sterility / evil

c.     Delightful heaven: God reverses our fate, taking our place - summit of glory / expression of joy / treasury of wealth

d.    Frightful hell: want / vileness /shame / disaster / misery

e.     Praiseworthiness of virture: precious, Christ's sacrifice / beautiful, virtue shining in Christ's disgrace / fruitful, Christ's act of virtue despoiled hell, opened heaven, and renewed the earth

f.      Guilt of sin: its price / compensation / painful cure

C.  Perfective Union - Sweetness of Love

1.     Watchfulness: since the Spouse is at hand

2.     Trust: must be your comfort, since the Spouse is faithful

3.     Desire: must inflame you, since the Spouse is sweet

4.     Rapture: must uplift you, since the Spouse is lofty

5.     Peace: which delight brings, since the Spouse is beautiful

6.     Happiness: be filled, since the Spouse is rich

7.     Intimacy: must weld you to Him, since the love of the Spouse is strong

D.  Nine progressive steps

1.     Sorrow: weighing the evils we have deserved / recalling Christ's pains / trying to secure remedy for sufferings we inflicted on neighbors

2.     Gratitude: admiration for the gift of creation / disregard for our own merits in being redeemed / thankfulness for deliverance from hell

3.     Awareness rising to a hymn of thanksgiving for graces

4.     Joy rising to jubilation for the value of the gifts

5.     Delight culminates in an embrace because of the Giver's bounty

* Conformity: rise above self in vision of truth / movement of love outward by surveying the world / manly act of courage inward

6.     Intuition of Truth: high - God the incomprehensible / broad - God the intelligible / pure - God the object of Faith

7.     Love: high facing God / broad facing neighbor / pure facing the world

8.     Courage: high facing good deeds / broad facing spreading of truth / pure facing contemptible things

* Cleansing through sorrow for evils oppressing Christ, self, and neighbor

9.     Compassion in regard to Christ

10. Commiseration in regard to neighbor

11. Contrition in regard to self

E.  Two manners of contemplating the divine mysteries

1.     Affirmative - Augustine

a.    Common to the Three Persons:

1).   essence / perfect nature  / beatific life
2).   ever-present eternity / plenteous simplicity / motive stability
3).   inaccessible light / unchanging mind / uncontained peace

b.    Proper: Light as the parent generates brightness, heat proceeds from both

1).   Father:             light        mind      first principle
2).   Son:  brightness             word       image
3).   Spirit:               heat        love         bond

c.     Appropriated:

1).   Father:             unity       power     loftiness
2).   Son:  truth       wisdom  beauty
3).   Spirit:               goodness               will          sweetness

d.    In God: awesome loftiness / wonderful beauty / desireable sweetness

2.     Negative - the higher way of Denis