Course Outline: Fundamental Theology – Catholic Method

I. Introduction

A. Starting Point, Basic language

Human consciousness and genesis: when we become aware of the world, ourselves, and begin to perceive, think, will, reason.

Divine intention for us: created with love, for love. What is love?

1. Aspiration, Inspiration, Desire of every human being.

2. Awareness, Perception, Thought, Knowledge, Understanding.

3. “Faith seeking understanding.”

4. Individual/Communal, Part/Whole, Distinction/Integration

5. System, Summa.

B. Reality, Truth, Facts

1. Action and interaction.

2. Quest and questions

3. Answers, understanding, and knowledge.

C. Flesh, Spirit, Body, Soul

D. Authority, Trustworthiness, Respect, Obedience

E. Faith, Hope, Love

F. Reasoning, Logic, Understanding, Knowledge

G. Tradition, Text, Interpretation, Translation, Exegesis, Explanation

H. Synthesis, Integration, Reflection, Speculation

II. Foundations

A. What is Theology?

B. Who qualifies for being a theologian?

C. What is ‘Fundamental Theology’?

1. Answers in Scripture

2. Classic works

3. Recent approaches

a. Apologetics repackaged

b. Credibility of the Revelation

c. Philosophy of Religion

D. Modes of theology

1. Foundational

2. Constructive/integrative

3. Explorative/Speculative

III. Theology as a System

A. What makes up a system

1. Conceptual framework + language

2. Primary Truths – intuitively indubitable; revelation

3. Principles which relate those truths and connect to others

4. Having what is necessary and sufficient

5. Godel’s theorem: every true & consistent system is incomplete

B. Characteristics of a System

1. Constructive/Heuristic

C. Survey of Catholic Systems

1. St. Thomas Aquinas

a. Summa Theologiae

2. St. Bonaventure

a. Breviloquium

b. Incendium Amoris

3. Recent Expressions

D. Description of systems

1. Outline

2. Graphic diagram

3. Prose

4. Analogy/Metaphor

E. Context

1. Language